Becoming A Naturalized Citizen
For many US residents, becoming a naturalized citizen is something that is much anticipated. Citizenship may be the goal, but the path to achieving citizenship can be a long and tedious one. It is filled with an array of administrative requirements, deadlines, and legitimate obstacles. Because of this, working with an Immigration attorney is recommended in order to ensure maximal accuracy and thereby increase your chances of achieving citizenship.
At Kamal Law Firm PLLC, we can assist you with accomplishing this goal. Our Immigration Law practice has worked with clients in understanding and executing a path to naturalization for over 12 year. Attorney Farah Kamal, will work closely with you to ensure understanding of the process, provide options tailor made to fit your circumstance, and work hard in utilizing the resources at her disposal to ensure the highest chances of success.
Do I Qualify For Naturalization?
Although many people attempt to achieve citizenship, the reality is that not every person is granted this privilege. There are many guidelines available to determine the chances of success in an application for Naturalization. These include but are not limited to:
Being at least 18 years of age
Long-lasting residency in the U.S. for no less than five years
Speaking, understanding, and writing essential English
Essential comprehension of U.S. history and civics
Demonstrating an understanding of the standards of the U.S. Constitution
There are also certain characteristics that can hinder one's chances of obtaining citizenship. These include but are not limited to:
Committing murder or an aggravated felony
Committing certain crimes of moral turpitude
Amount of jail time a person served for any crime.
Attorney Kamal can assist in helping you gain a better understanding of where you stand with regards to your chances of obtaining citizenship. In the event that you are satisfied with your chances and would like to move forward, she can assist you with the entire process from start to finish.
Get A Consultation To Discuss Naturalization
You do not have to go through the naturalization process alone. At Kamal Law Firm, you can discuss the steps to citizenship with an experienced attorney. To schedule a consultation, call 713-524-4529 or send us an email at